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Аккорды - "Your Love Will Kill Me (Tu Vas Me Detruire)" - Notre-Dame De Paris

Аккорды - Notre-Dame De Paris - "Your Love Will Kill Me (Tu Vas Me Detruire)"

Notre-Dame De Paris
©1998 Sony music
All music and french lyrics by
Luc Plamondon & Richard Cocciante

Your Love Will Kill Me (Frollo) (английский вариант арии Tu Vas Me Detruire)

Verse 1:
 Am                        Am
I feel a wave of passion, move through my heart with such pain
 Em                         Em
I have no time for reason, so I just let passion reign
 Am                    Am 
I let go so easily, on a night as warm as sin
 Em                             Em
Midnight swimmer, midnight sea, I will not come back again.

 Am                      H7
Your love will kill me, your love will kill me
And you will bare my curse as long as my life will be
 Am                      H7
Your love will kill me, your love will kill me
And I saw it would be when I looked at you when you looked at me
 Am                      H7                      Em
Your love will kill me, your love will kill me, your love will kill me

Verse 2:
 Am                       Am
My sin and my obsession, crazy desire you bring
 Em                          Em
I know there`s no salvation, I see our bodies burning
 Am                             Am
Your gipsy dreams all haunt me, I live to see your dances
 Em                                 Em
Please raise your eyes ant want me, please give me all the chances

 Am                      H7
Your love will kill me, your love will kill me
And you will bare my curse as long as my life will be
 Am                      H7
Your love will kill me, your love will kill me
And I saw it would be when I looked at you when you looked at me
 Am                      H7                      Em
Your love will kill me, your love will kill me, your love will kill me

Verse 3:
 Am                                  Am
You brought the springtime to fill, my heart in it`s winter chill
 Em                              Em
I lost my strength and my will, and now my tears start to spill
 Am                        Am
I never knew such desire, just looking into your eyes
 Em                            Em
And now the soul in me cries, and now the night is on fire

 Am                      H7
Your love will kill me, your love will kill me
And you will bare my curse as long as my life will be
 Am                      H7
Your love will kill me, your love will kill me
And I saw it would be when I looked at you when you looked at me
 Am                      H7                      Em
Your love will kill me, your love will kill me, your love will kill me
 Am                      H7
Your love will kill me, your love will kill me

Zer0 [kms92@mail.ru] с подачки Наташи [nata84@aport.ru]

Аккорды ко всем песням Notre-Dame De Paris :

"Dance My Esmeralda"
"Le Temps Des Cathedrales"
"The Age Of The Cathedrals"
"Torn Apart"
"Your Love Will Kill Me (Tu Vas Me Detruire)"
"Как мне быть?"
"Птицы в клетке (Les oiseaux quon met en cage)"
"Цыганка (Boh mienne)"
Аккорды к песням